What type of Images do we need for our product?
You can upload good quality & small size (250-300 KB) top/front view images of your products. File type will be JPG format.
Can we have a trial to use the backend and create our showroom?
Yes you can get a free trial limited membership for creating your own showroom. You can write an email to our sales team (info@myvisualiser.com) for getting a free trial membership.
Can I upload showroom views myself ?
No, you can’t upload your own views due to technical functionality restriction of software. However, you can request & share your PNG formatted views with our technical team (support@myvisualiser.com) for adding shared views with your subscribed package. If your subscribed package will be customized then our team will add shared view for your showroom.
What is the pricing and how do I make payment?
Once you have selected your package feel free to contact the MV team regarding the package rates and further process.
How do I set up my showroom?
We offer live online sessions and a comprehensive tutorial library accessible through your login. These resources provide you with step-by-step guidance on setting up your showroom.
Can MV upload my showroom?
Yes absolutely, MV offers the option to upload your showroom for an additional cost.
Can MV integrate a partial or complete showroom on my website?
Yes, MV offers complete or even partial integration of the showroom on your current website at an additional cost.
Can I have more than one login with one membership?
Yes, one user can create multiple accounts.